Новостной портал ЦТЭП ИДУ
Центр технологий электронного правительства Института дизайна и урбанистики
Национальный исследовательский Университет ИТМО

Cессия Международного cеминара «Электронное управление 2020» International Workshop «E-Governance2020»

20 июня 2020 г. состоялась англоязычная сессия Международного cеминара «Электронное управление 2020» International Workshop «E-Governance2020»

Сессию семинара вели сопредседатели:

  • Georg SOOTLA, Professor of Public Policy, School of Governance, Law and Society, Tallinn University, Estonia
  • Leonid V. SMORGUNOV, Doctor, Professor, the Head of Department of political governance, St. Petersburg State University, Russia

The keynote lecture by Prof. Georg SOOTLA «The Role of E-Solutions in Supporting Interactive Policymaking and Governance in Highly Uncertain Action-environment»

  • relational and process or contingency-based approach to re-producing social institutions, i.e. power, resources;
  • relational social space: glocalization of community-based policies and local autonomy (glocal = hybrid of global and local) design rationality as the tool for harnessing wicked issues;
  • critical dialogue as practice based reasoning in promoting policy solution (based on Mead and Gadamer, Forester and Wagenaar);
  • The Issue-Based Information System (IBIS) /Horst Rittel/ in constructing communicative space for critical dialogue;
  • Soft systems methodology in ensuring communicative capacity in policy design;
  • Information systems integration in supporting active citizenship.


Digital transformation of government communications in Russia: from 2011 to 2020

Olga Filatova, Radomir Bolgov
St.-Petersburg State University, Russia

Cities in the New Media Reality: Between Freedom of Creativity and Digital Control

Aleksander Kurochkin, Svetlana Morozova
St.-Petersburg State University, Russia

Urban transportation challenges: social issues and digital data analysis

Alexander Nikiforov
St.- Petersburg State University, Russia

The development of Russian youth digital citizenship: how to analyze and tackle the Internet communication risks

Elena Brodovskaya, Anna Dombrovskaya, Irina Batanina
Moscow Pedagogical State University, Tula State University, Russia

Political communication of youth in the Internet space: effects on influence on political consciousness and behavior

Olga Popova, Eugene Negrov
St.-Petersburg State University, Russia

Technology and Country Experiences in Coronavirus Response – The Case of Taiwan

Hsien-Lee TSENG, Ass. Professor, Department of Public Administration and Management, National University of Tainan, Research Fellow, Taiwan E-Governance Research Center, Taiwan

Community Crowdsourcing to Support Social Marketing and Engagement

Nia SARINASTITI, Marketing & Communication Director, Accenture Development Partnerships, Indonesia

Итоги международного семинара «Электронное управление 2020» International Workshop «E-Governance2020» подвел его сопредседатель проф. Л.В. Сморгунов (СПбГУ).

Участники семинара высказались о необходимости продолжить практику проведения научного семинара в аналогичном формате.

Мероприятие проведено при поддержке проекта Российского научного фонда №18-18-00360 «Электронное участие как фактор динамики политического процесса и процесса принятия государственных решений».


Дата: 20.06.2020

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